
Never second best


Never second best
What can we offer?

Falcon Services

Our broad range of services and products delivered alone or with our partners means Falcon can meet virtually all of your logging, perforating, intervention and reservoir data needs.

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Casing & Tubing Inspection

Falcon casing and tubing inspection services are based on two main technologies.

Multifinger Caliper

The Sondex Multifinger Imaging System (MIT) provides high-resolution details of the condition of downhole tubulars. The Multifinger Imaging Tool has an array of hard-surfaced fingers which measure minimal changes in radii. Various tool sizes with 24, 40, or 60 fingers are available to suit different casing diameters. Tool deployment can be in memory or surface readout modes.

Tool Type Tool OD Min Measurement Max Measurement
24 Fingers
1 11/16″
40 Fingers
60 Fingers

In situations where extremely small restrictions contrast with large-diameter tubular, finger extension kits are available to extend the range of each tool.

Magnetic Thickness Tool

The Magnetic Thickness Tool (MTT) uses 12 small magnetic sensors, mounted on the inside of a set of bow springs to investigate tiny changes in metal thickness within downhole tubulars. An alternating magnetic wave is transmitted from the body of the tool and detected by the tiny sensors. The wave’s amplitude and velocity are changed by the thickness of the tubular and this data can be used to identify holes, thinning, wear and general corrosion. The tool has a measurement range of 2 7/8” to 7”.

The casing and tubing inspection tools are run on the Ultra wire telemetry platform and can be combined with the cement evaluation tools. The tools can also be run in memory mode.

Interpretation Products

Thickness data from the MTT is combined with MIT data using WIVA (Well Integrity Visual Analysis) software to produce powerful 3D images which literally allow the user to fly down the pipe and inspect the tubular inside and out and from all angles. Various numerical data sets can be superimposed on the image to make the interpretation easier for the end user.

Numerical reports in PDF format from MTT and MIT data are available using WIPER (Well Integrity Processing, Evaluation, and Reporting). The package automatically detects collars and other completion hardware and then delivers a joint-by-joint numerical analysis of the well which can be easily tied into the completion diagram. The analysis report provides an overview highlighting the most damaged items. Graphical and tabular listings detail every joint’s metal loss and penetrations. User-defined images highlight the tubular cross-section of the most damaged items.